Wonderful food, a warm welcome and a beautiful location.

Classes: Fabulous Fish Cooking Class

preparing Fish

Have a look at what one of our recent students thought about our Fabulous Fish course –

“Thank you so very much for such an amazing, inspiring, thoughtful and thought provoking course on Saturday, done in such a welcoming and entertaining way. I absolutely loved it and have already made lots of the recipes at home. You have quite literally changed my life! It has been the single best course I have ever done.Thank you!”

We hope you can join us but do have a read of what we cover on the course and what he loved so much –

We count ourselves extremely lucky to be only a stone’s throw away from Brixham, one of the most important fishing ports in Europe and the UK’s largest fish market. This means get some the best fish in the country for our Fish Cooking Classes.

Our Fabulous Fish Class is built around the availability of this fresh, locally caught fish in perfect condition.

For our very popular fish class we take a selection of fresh, local, seasonal seafood and learn to prepare it from scratch as we discuss sourcing, how to buy the best fish and how to cook it in a variety of ways you can recreate at home.

By the end of the class you’ll be confident with buying, cleaning, filleting, and we’ll show you how to cook different types of fish and seafood, both well known and less familar species, in a variety of ways that you can recreate at home.

Throughout the day we’ll enjoy a tasting menu of the many dishes we cook. As well as basic cooking techniques we will also create some great recipes such as:

  • Mackerel Escabeche with Smoked Paprika, Orange and Olives
  • Salmon en Papillote
  • Roast Scallops with Parsley and Garlic
  • Roasted Whole Plaice with Cherry Tomatoes
  • Seabass Fillet with Herb Beurre Blanc
  • Ceviche with Lime, Red Onion & Avocado
  • Dartmouth Crab with Homemade Mayonnaise

This always depends on the fish available at the time of the class.

Buying Fish From Mark Lobb in Dartmouth

Our fishmongers, Mark Lobb and Neil Walker, have been buying fish at Brixham for their working lives and their knowledge and experience of fish and fishing in the Southwest is second to none. For our classes we will work with them to select the best fish at the market, choosing fresh fish which are in season and in great condition. This will include some well known fish such as wild sea bass, plaice, scallops, mackerel and brown crab.

Our classes are a combination of hands on and demonstration. We will be scaling, gutting, filleting and cleaning the fish (if you want to) as well as preparing the final dishes. Classes are suitable for beginners and intermediate cooks wishing to become more confident with fish. Each course is currently limited to 8 places to allow for maximum participation; we work collaboratively in a domestic kitchen so if you want a cooking school with stainless steel individual stations, then we probably aren’t for you!

All classes include lunch with wine and recipe packs which we’ll email after the event. Classes start 10am and end around 4pm

Knives: we provide everything you need for the workshop, but if you have your own fish knife with which you would like to practice please bring it along on the day.